Top Average Pledge Per Employee Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Greater Ennis United Way

Energy Award (For Leadership in Energy Conservation and Environmental Stewardship)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Industrial Energy Technology Conference

Superior Energy Performance Certified Partner
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: U.S. Department of Energy

1st Best Supplier in Gel Coat category
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

Top Average Pledge Per Employee Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Greater Ennis United Way

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Best supplier in Solvent Base Resin category (SITIVESP Award – Varnish & Paint Industries Union)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Varnish & Paint Industries Union

1st Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award – Latin America Association for Composites Materials)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Nominated for Business of the Year
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce

2nd Best Supplier in Gel Coat category
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

Top Average Pledge Per Employee Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Greater Ennis United Way

Best supplier in Solvent Base Resin category (SITIVESP Award – Varnish & Paint Industries Union)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Varnish & Paint Industries Union

1st Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award – Latin America Association for Composites Materials)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Nominated for Business of the Year
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce

Certified Supplier Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Sherwin-Williams - Purchasing Center of Excellence

Outstanding Service and Support Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Dura Technologies, Inc.

Extraordinary Environmental Enterprise (E4) participant in the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Commonwealth of Virginia – Department of Environmental Quality

3rd Best Supplier in Gel Coat category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

Top Average Pledge Per Employee Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Greater Ennis United Way

Premio Product Stewardship for the project “Resine poliestere a base di monomeri derivanti da fonti rinnovabili e a basso contenuto di stirene”.
Awarded Site: Polynt SpA
Awarding Company: Federchimica

Best supplier in Solvent Base Resin category (SITIVESP Award – Varnish & Paint Industries Union)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Varnish & Paint Industries Union

1st Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award – Latin America Association for Composites Materials)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

1st Best Supplier in Vynil Ester category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

In occasion of the EMAS AWARD 2014 (Rome – organized by ISPRA-Minister of the Environment- and the Committee for Ecolabel and Ecoaudit), on May 15th the Polynt site of Ravenna received the award for the 15th anniversary of the awarded Companies certified and registered EMAS.
This award officially recognizes the performance, the transparency and the credibility for the environment management and has been given only to the best 5 performing Companies.
Awarded Site: Polynt SpA - Ravenna
Awarding Company: ISPRA and Committee for Ecolabel & Ecoaudit

Certified Supplier Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Sherwin-Williams - Purchasing Center of Excellence

PPG Excellent Supplier for 2014
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: PPG Industries, Inc.

First place for the HSE innovation award for the “Mauricie-Centre du Québec” region
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Canada, Inc.
Awarding Company: It was a government body award. The CSST is the workers comp french Governing body in Quebec.

1st Best Supplier in Gel Coat category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

Top Average Pledge Per Employee Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Greater Ennis United Way

Best supplier in Alkyd category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Best supplier in Solvent Base Resin category (SITIVESP Award – Varnish & Paint Industries Union)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Varnish & Paint Industries Union

2nd Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

FIRST EU CHEMICAL COMPANY TO SECURE NON GMO CERTIFICATION FOR TRIACETIN. Polynt, one of the largest EU producers of Triacetin, a glycerine based solvent used in food, confectionery and food packaging (with many other applications in the food and pharmaceutical sectors) has become the first company of its kind to secure non GMO certification from Cert ID Europe.
Awarded Site: Polynt UK Ltd. - Leek
Awarding Company: CERT ID

Certified Supplier Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Sherwin-Williams - Purchasing Center of Excellence

2nd Best Supplier in Gel Coat category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

CAMX TECHNICAL PAPER AWARD WINNER – Stephen Brooks – “The Effect of Fracture Toughening a Thermoset Resin on the Fracture Toughness of a Fiber-Reinforced Laminate”
Awarded Site: Reichhold LLC 2 - Durham NC
Awarding Company: CAMX

the Best Supplier Coatings market for two different categories. Reichhold was recognized as the Best Supplier of Alkyd Resin and The Best Supplier of Saturated Polyester Resin for Powder Coatings from four different nominations (Alkyd Resins, Polyester Resins, Acrylic Resins and Polyurethane). The Award was hosted by PAINT & PINTURA (Main Coatings Market Magazine in Brazil) in a ceremony that was held on May 8th in São Paulo.
Awarded Site: Reichhold Brazil
Awarding Company: PAINT & PINTURA

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Best supplier in Alkyd category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Best supplier in Solvent Base Resin category (SITIVESP Award – Varnish & Paint Industries Union)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Varnish & Paint Industries Union

2nd Best Supplier in Vynil Ester category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

2nd Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

3rd Best Supplier in Gel Coat category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

2015 Certified Supplier Award. “ – Certified Supplier Award 2015 presented to Reichhold LLC 2 – who has achieved a level of excellence in meeting the Purchasing Center of Excellence Supplier Performance Criteria and demonstrated their commitment to “continuous improvement”.
Awarded Site: Reichhold LLC 2
Awarding Company: Sherwin Williams Purchasing Center of Excellence

Reichhold has been elected as LM’s most innovative supplier in 2015 during the LM global Annual Supplier Convention held in Amsterdam on October 29th.
Awarded Site: Reichhold
Awarding Company: LM Wind Power

The Fredrikstad plant received recognition for their support of a local recruitment project for people who have difficulty entering the labor market. The success story was also featured on the front page of the local newspaper, the “Fredrikstad Blad”.
Awarded Site: Reichhold AS - Fredrikstad
Awarding Company: NAV (Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration) office together with rehabilitation centers and NHO ( the main representative organization for Norwegian employers)

Certified Supplier Award
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Sherwin-Williams - Purchasing Center of Excellence

Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA, Inc.
Awarding Company: Valley Park - The Missouri Water Environment Association - Industrial Wastewater Committee Pretreatment Award.

2nd Best Supplier in Gel Coat category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

3rd Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Brazil Ltda.
Awarding Company: ALMACO - Composites Materials Latin America Association

ACMA Chairman’s Award
Awarded Site: John Gaither, CEO Reichhold
Awarding Company: ACMA awards ceremony and reception.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 2 honored Medford Township Public Schools in Medford, NJ with its highest public recognition. Medford’s comprehensive environmental initiatives, which include the use of many biobased products such as BioStripe® traffic paint in addition to benchmark testing of various blacktop sealer starting point formulas made with Reichhold’s BECKOSOL AQ® 510 alkyd latex resin, earned the 2016 Environmental Champion Award.
Awarded Site: Reichhold partnered with the Medford NJ School District (who won the USEPA Environmental Champion Award)
Awarding Company: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Best supplier in Alkyd category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

2nd Best Supplier in Polyester Resin category (ALMACO Award)
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: ALMACO

Reichhold together with NTPT (North Thin Ply Technology) and Richard Mille won the JEC World 2016 Innovation Award in the Luxury category for the NTPT™ Quartz thin ply prepreg, which was engineered to enable the manufacture of intricately-shaped watch cases for prestigious Swiss brand Richard Mille.
Awarded Site: Innovation in Technology - Reichhold
Awarding Company: JEC World

Reichhold Tianjin Plant has been selected from thousands of enterprises and been awarded as excellent company for safe production for 2016 by Tianjin TEDA government.
Awarded Site: Reichhold Tianjin
Awarding Company: Tianjin TEDA government

2016 RFID Journal Award Runner-Up for MOST INNOVATIVE USE OF RFID
Awarded Site: Reichhold LLC 2
Awarding Company: RFID Journal Award

Azusa’s Certificate of Recognition for Compliance
Awarded Site: Reichhold LLC 2 - Azusa
Awarding Company: LACSD

Innovation Award certificate
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Germany GmbH
Awarding Company: AVK Innovation Preis

Tru Design with co inventors Polynt Composites and Oak Ridge National Laboratory received the R&D 100 award Friday night. And congratulations and thank you to the Polynt Composites team that contributed to the win. Rick Pauer, Mike Mathews, Alain Laframboise, and Murray Akerman.
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites in general
Awarding Company: R&D 100 Award

Best supplier in Polyester category
Awarded Site: Reichhold Do Brasil LTDA.
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura Magazine

Tianjin Plant was awarded as 2017 top ten safety excellent plant by TEDA (Tianjin Economic-technological Development Area) government.
Awarded Site: Reichhold Polymers (Tianjin) LTD.
Awarding Company: TEDA (Tianjin Economic-technological Development Area) government

Polynt Composites Germany GMBH has been awarded for the 50th anniversary of Miehlen plant.
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Germany GMBH
Awarding Company: Mr. Christoph Krämer (Johns Manville)

Bronze Medal of Industrial Effort’ according to the Constitution of the Republic of Korea as it has contributed to the development of the national industry by implementing the taxation faithfully through transparent and fair procedures and results.
Based on fair and principle-based trust among the state, local governments, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and service providers, we are building a win-win relationship.
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Korea Co., Ltd.
Awarding Company: from President in Korea, Moon, Jae-In.

Polynt Composites Spain, S.L. has been awarded by the JEC Forum Chicago Innovation Awards Partner with the Building Category prize thanks to its cooperation with Gazechim supplying Fire retardant resin for composites parts utilized for the construction of Gazechim Composites Iberica new Logistic Center in Valencia.
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Spain, S.L.
Awarding Company: JEC Forum Chicago Innovation Awards Partner

Polynt Composites Norway AS (on behalf of Polynt Group) has been identified as a “Key Innovator” for the Dacomat joint project titled “Novel chemistries of poly-vinyl ester resins formulations for improving fibre bridging”.
The general objective of DACOMAT is to develop more damage tolerant and damage predictable low cost composite materials in particular aimed for used in large load carrying constructions like bridges, buildings, wind-turbine blades and off shore structures.
The DACOMAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No. 761072″ (ref Acknowledgement of EU funding – H2020 Online Manual (
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites Norway AS
Awarding Company: European Commission's Innovation Radar (Horizon 2020)

Beckers awarded Polynt USA the “Beckers Supplier Sustainability Award 2021” for our contribution to Sustainability and Corporate Social responsibility, recognizing our Ecovadis score improvement.
Awarded Site: Polynt Composites USA
Awarding Company: Beckers

Considered one of the most important awards for the paint industry in Brazil, “Prêmio Paint & Pintura” awarded in its 26th edition companies in several categories related to that industry segment.
In the event held on May 05th in São Paulo City, Polynt Reichhold was awarded as best alkyd suppliers.
Polynt Reichhold Group was nominated in two categories and it is glad to have won as the best supplier for alkyds resins in 2022. This award foments that Polynt Group’s commitment with ethics, quality and partnership is well recognized in the Paints and Varnishes industry.
This recognition from the Coatings industry reinforces Polynt Group’s ability to address the customers’ needs in a high level.
Awarded Site: Polynt Reichhold Group
Awarding Company: Paint & Pintura